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Sign Markers

Signs allow you to create markers on the map, using ingame signs.

Creating a Marker

  1. Place a sign in the world where you’d like it to show up on the map, and put the text for your marker on the sign.
  2. Hold any filled map in your hand, and right click the sign with it.
  3. Check the map. Your marker should now be there!

Updating Markers

Simply edit your sign to change the text on the marker.

Removing a Marker

Either break the sign, or left click it with any filled map.

Custom Icons

If you’re creating a marker for a very important or frequently used location (i.e. by the entire playerbase, not just important to you), you can ask an Administrator to use a custom icon. It’ll need to be in the .png format, and be fairly small (i.e. around 16x16 pixels) so it’ll look good on the map and load quickly.

To use a custom icon:

  1. Open a ticket with the topic “Custom Marker Icon”, and describe your location, why it’s important enough for a custom icon, and provide your icon file (which must be a 16x16 pixel .png graphic)
  2. If approved, an Administrator will let you know what your icon is called, for example cool_icon.
  3. Now, edit your sign so the top line of the sign is ![name_of_icon]. So if your icon is named cool_icon, you’d set the first line of your marker sign to ![cool_icon].
  4. You’re all set, your Marker should update on the map shortly.