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This document outlines all rules that players and Staff are expected to follow. See also the Invite Guidelines for rules on inviting new players.


When refrencing this document, you can use the Section.Number notation. For example, to refer to Rule #1 for members, you can say “Members.1”.

Other Guidelines linked to here:


NOTE: These rules apply to EVERYONE within the Tulip SMP community, including Staff!


All players are expected to abide by both the technicality and spirit of these rules. Rulebreakers will face punishment and potential banishment from Tulip SMP.


  1. Be Kind. - Any kind of hate speech or foul language towards any group or individual will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Respect your fellow players, the server, staff, and yourself. You should also abide by Discord’s Community Guidelines.
  2. Have Fun. - Don’t be a Debbie Downer. Try to make the server enjoyable for others, by your conduct, attitude, participation, enthusiasm, and respect for others. This includes not randomly attacking people or causing unnecessary harm to them ingame. This includes following the Conduct Guidelines.
  3. Don’t Grief. - People on this server will make amazing things. Don’t take their work for granted by defacing, dismantling, obstructing, or otherwise disrupting the art, function, and form of other players’ creations. Creating Map Art is also not allowed, use ArtMap.
  4. Obey Physics. - Minecraft was made to work a certain way. Don’t manipulate errors made by it’s creators for personal gain or otherwise do things that aren’t supposed to happen (i.e. using “Hacked Clients”, X-Ray hacks, or Mods that alter the base game in such a way that give you a significant survival or competitive advantage - See our Client Mod Guidelines for details).
  5. Respect Flowers. - We all know some flowers can be nicer or less thorny than others, but pointing that out is irresponsible and rude. Follow the rules of all gardens and we can live in harmony. If the world just had one kind of flower in it, how could we discern the kind we love?


Note to Players: If you believe a Staff member has broken these rules in any way, please let the Administrators know immediately.


All Staff members are expected to abide by both the technicality and spirit of these rules. If you cannot do so, you may be demoted or removed from the Staff team.


  1. Respect Players. - Our players are what makes Tulip SMP what it is. Without them, this would be an empty shell of dead petals without any of the fun, creativity, or ingenuity that we encourage here. Because of that, treat our players with the utmost respect.
  2. Enforce Rules. - One of Moderators’ primary jobs is to hold players accountable for the rules listed on this page. In order to do so, you must read and understand them, and pay attention to player’s words and actions, making use of our moderation tools if necessary to ensure said words and actions are inkeeping with the spirit and technicality of our rules.
  3. Foster Communication. - You cannot keep peace in solitude. Moderators must communicate with eachother, to keep eachother informed of what is happening in the community. Moderators should also ensure players are properly communicating with eachother, in order to avoid the many conflicts that come with miscommunication.
  4. Resolve Conflicts. - No matter how or when a conflict arises between members, Moderators must attempt to resolve it to the best of their ability. Moderators should not Escalate situations, and should not be afraid to ask for help from other moderators if they need it.
  5. Be Just. - Moderators should deal out punishments that are proportional to the rule broken. For a refrence on what is considered “proportional”, see the Punishment Guidelines.
