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Creator Guidelines



These guidelines are intended to guide the conduct of Tulip SMP content creators, the distribution of the Creator “rank”, and the portrayal of other members of the community.



The Creator rank (i.e. Discord role, and In-game Chat Prefix) are to be used to show support for creators in the community, and to encourage those making content related to Tulip SMP. It also serves to make other players aware that their content may be portrayed publicly, yet Creators should make an effort to let players know if they may be recorded or livestreamed.

Any Administrator can give out the Creator rank. The rank does not give out any ingame permissions, it is purely cosmetic at this time.


In order to qualify for the Creator rank, one must:


  1. Conduct Yourself. - Be aware of how you act in public.
  2. Portray Others Faithfully. - Be aware of how you depict other players in your content, being true to their character.
  3. Respect Staff. - All staff members are doing their best, and should not be looked down upon or shamed publicly without bringing the issue to the attention of Administration.
  4. Set an Example. - As a public figure of Tulip SMP, you should diligently follow all other rules and guidelines and be the example for other players to look up to.